Search Results
Joseph Lizier: Enabling tools to model information processing in brain
CNS*2022: Keynote July 17 - Joseph Lizier
Information processing in complex systems - Part 2 - Information dynamics, and entropy rate
Effective network inference - Part 4 - Multivariate Transfer Entropy (subtleties, and IDTxl)
Complex systems approaches to information processing
CNS*2020 Showcases
Elissa L. Newport - 2015 Laureate of the Franklin Institute in Computer and Cognitive Science HD
PHY101 - Unit Advice (Phonology)
Linden Parkes: Asymmetric signaling across the hierarchy of cytoarchitecture in the human connectome
Tim Vogels: Gating multiple signals via balance of excitation and inhibition in spiking networks
Matt Perich: Merging neural and behavioral modularity through brain-wide compositional modes
Russ Poldrack: Why do we need a formal ontology of cognition, and what should it look like?